The Secret Way To Explode Your Traffic With Facebook

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There is only one way you can build sustainable traffic, online relationships, and continually promote your business without every paying a dime, and that way is through Facebook groups.

Despite Facebook’s reputation for “low organic reach” its actually one of the absolute BEST ways to build your brand and your traffic. It not only allows content creators an opportunity to leverage an audience through a personal profile, but it also provides opportunity through pages and groups.

Perhaps the most beneficial way being through groups.


Organic reach can be a challenge, but with Facebook groups your profile, page, and content can get a much greater reach.

In fact, you can check out how incredible my Facebook reach is by checking out my Nicole Stone Outdoors page.

This organic reach can be multiplied with groups. Above is an example of the domino affect that happens when you drop videos, posts, or products in groups. This is ORGANIC, FREE traffic (and views) from dumping this into a single group.

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Facebook groups are communities of people who join up for a similar purpose. You are most likely familiar with them; but might not necessarily know the benefit of them. For bloggers, many groups are exist for support, collaborations, and reciprocal promotion. For content creators they can simply be a platform to share the latest creation. For outdoor enthusiasts (like myself) they are a great way to make connections, get views, and gain traffic to my YouTube.

Some of these groups have tens of thousands of people. If even a portion of these people want to work together to help promote each other’s products; then everybody wins.

To join; most of the time you simply have to search for the group and then “request” to join. They might ask you for some sort of confirmation; and as long as you fit the bill you are in.


This was my first source of free, quality traffic and my first step into the blogging world. This strategy was using high quality Facebook groups.

Below I discuss with you the secret to having success with Facebook groups and how to leverage them to build you a money making blog.


Below I have sign up form to get all of my favorite blog boosting Facebook groups!

Let me tell you, utilizing the RIGHT groups can be a serious game changer and HERE IS WHY:

  • They push promotions

  • They hold competitions to drive traffic

  • They share Pinterest profiles and pins

  • They share unique strategies that can help your individual situation

  • The members can serve as mentors

  • They are an easy way to gain friends

Facebook groups are an incredible way to build your blog and build a sustainable readership. I STILL love using Facebook groups today. In fact, I believe in them so much that I started my own.

However, the benefit of Facebook groups is directly related to the quality of moderation and contributors.

I learned quickly that joining too many of the wrong groups can cause havoc on your productivity and literally be a complete waste of your time. Therefore, I put together a checklist of what YOU should be looking for before joining any Facebook groups. 

Then we go through how to join them.


Facebook groups are not created equal! Therefore, we have compiled a list of 5 signs to look for in a high-quality Facebook group.


When group boards aren't moderated, it ends up being useless chaos.  Essentially everyone promotes and nobody contributes, which means a waste of time for the entire group. Well-moderated boards keep everyone accountable and contributing to each other's work. Which means more page views, social media promotions, and comments for everyone. 


When the moderator keeps a set schedule, it makes it so much easier for you to continuously contribute. For example, they may hold a blog post promotion on Tuesday, a Pinterest promotion on Wednesday, and a Twitter promotion on Friday.  Perhaps the blog post and Pinterest promotion are important to you, so you make sure to contribute those days. Maybe you don't have a Twitter account, so you don't have to waste anytime participating in that event.  Without a schedule, you end up missing big and important promotions and wasting time trying to play catch up on the board. If posts are too old, participating can even be a complete waste of your time.


These friendly competitions seem to really increase group participation.  A few of my favorite boards hold weekly blogging and participation competitions.  The reward? recognition and traffic, and it works! People love a little friendly competition, especially when they see the increase participation and a jump in their page views or social following. 


Group boards that require you to comment on 125 posts are a waste of time.  A lot of them will allow you to contribute your content, as long as you contribute to everyone else's, which is completely impractical.  Find groups that only require you to "repost 5 times" or simply trusts you in participating.


Having hundreds of members can be a huge benefit, having thousands of members can be detrimental.  If there is too much engagement, it can be chaotic, and your content can often get lost in the pack.  I recommend boards that have no more than a thousand... and I often times find that those with only a few hundred perform the best. 


Joining Facebook groups is really easy. Generally all you need to do is search for the groups (or use the links from a blogger - like me - below) and then request to join. Once you request to join you may get asked a few questions but these are simple, easy to answer and a way for them to vet serious bloggers from trolls.

Then it’s important you read the rules. Also make sure to try to introduce yourself and your blog, if possible. This will help you make instant connections with other influencers.


Facebook groups can be a real game changer for all bloggers, but especially for new bloggers who haven't gained a tremendous amount of traffic from Pinterest. They help you find your "tribe", learn from others, and promote your site.  

Just remember to find the right ones. This means ones that regulate the board and encourage reciprocation. Also, keep in mind that Facebook groups are very involved and can take up tremendous time. Therefore, I recommend keeping it to a handful and putting effort into reciprocating in those weekly.

Make sure to join my new Facebook group "Promote Your Pinterest" right here! We can connect!


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