Career Changes That Can Allow You to Work From Home


Have you ever tracked how many hours you spend actually working and how many hours you simply waste sitting at your desk?

I have, and it's not pretty. 

We have all done it: browsed social media, killed an hour talking to a coworker, played with our phone when we should have been working... 

It's been proven that there is absolutely not a linear relationship between productivity and hours spent at work. This has been proven over again with research studies, surveys, country comparisons, and monitoring how much time you spend working yourself.

If we waste this much time at work, why do we have a standard 8 hour work day anyway?

Apparently, we like tradition and easy math. 

Must read: An in depth article about making money online.


Here is a hint: it wasn't from science, strategy, or democracy (nobody ever voted to work 8 straight hours).

It actually originated during the industrial revolution. Employees were getting worked to death despite the fact that extra working wasn't providing extra benefit. At a time when ten to fourteen hour workdays were the norm for the working class, people were finally catching on to the fact that it wasn't exactly benefiting anyone. 

Then the eight hour work day was born. This came from the advice of a single individual who said the working man should have 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and 8 hours of rest.  Coincidently this led to more production from the traditional overworking of the generation before.   This led to the introduction from Henry Ford was the first to publicly introduce this method and we have been following suit ever since. I guess you could say it was a fad that hasn't ended.

But not all jobs are created equal... and most jobs in modern society are definitely not manufacturing. In fact, manufacturing makes up only 9 percent of the workforce while services accounted for nearly 80% of the workforce today.

Therefore, maybe it's time to rethink the workday yet again.  Lets face it, sitting in a cubicle for eight hours isn't exactly stimulating. 

Therefore, if you don't believe 9 to 5 is for you, take matters into your own hands and implement one of the following options I'm reminding you that you have, below (p.s. I have a list of work at home sites listed as well)!


You can negotiate more than just your pay. If you've been at your career for awhile, you may be surprised by the flexibility you have.  Many employers would rather negotiate than deal with the rehiring process.  Therefore, if you have been employed for a length of time, consider discussing your hours and flexibility with your employer. The worst they can do is simply say "no". 

  • Consider adjusting your schedule an hour earlier or an hour later.

  • Ask for longer lunch periods or breaks when you feel your productivity is at its lowest.

  • Try a different work week schedule, perhaps four 10 hour days or three 12's and a 4

  • Reduce your weekly hours in lieu of a pay cut (if you can afford it)


I would argue the biggest fad in the workplace right now is transitioning employees to remote working environments.

There are many professions that allow for work to be done remotely, particularly if your job involves sitting in front of a computer.  I remember the first time I took freelancing seriously was when I met a remote engineer on a hunting trip. 

He had told his boss he was going to leave the state and move to Wyoming. His employer's response? They simply gave him a computer and told him to take his work with him. Now he has all of the freedom he could want with the same pay (and did I mention he could adventure in the mountains any day of the week? Talk about motivation!)

Not working in a designated office means the company saves tremendous money. This means they save on space, office supplies, insurance, and more. Therefore, if you have a job that can be done on a computer; this could very well be a doable option for you. All you have to do is ask. 

Common remote careers include:

  • Software Design

  • Drafting

  • Software and Structural Engineering

  • Website Design

  • Customer Service

  • Virtual Assistance

  • Tutoring

  • Editor

  • Marketing

Below are a few examples of remote job opportunities to check out.  Be sure to subscribe to get the FULL list!

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The difference between working remotely and freelancing? It's being your own boss.

When most people think of freelancing, they think of writing.  However, there are many different options available in the freelance category. So if being your own boss and hustling for your own work is something you are interested in, then freelancing may be the best option for you!

Common freelance opportunities include:

  • Writing

  • Social Media Consulting

  • Website Developing

  • Teaching

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Accounting

  • Insurance

  • Graphic Design

Check out the 10 best places to find freelance work. 


If you knew how much some bloggers make you'd probably die. Just ask Michelle from Making Sense of Cents. She makes over 100,000 A MONTH. In fact, she is one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place. You can take her course on how to do it by clicking HERE.

How do bloggers make money?

  • Sponsored Posts

  • Affiliate Income

  • Ads

  • Products

I also have a post listing the numerous bloggers that make over 10,000 a month. You can visit that post by clicking HERE.

This can go hand-in-hand with freelancing; however, the big difference is spending your time entirely on your own content versus working for others.  

Once blogging takes off, it can be the most flexible option of all; however, many bloggers support themselves as freelance writers well before living off of their blog. Like anything, it takes time.

You can get a list of my blogging resources by clicking HERE.

Types of blogging includes:

  • Personal - Your Life

  • Video (Vlogs)

  • Travel

  • News

  • How-Tos

  • Reviews


Owning a business doesn't have to mean a huge office with tons of employees. In today's world, it can be website design service, online selling, hair dresser, personal trainer... etc. 

Being an entrepreneur is gaining popularity.  A study by Bentley University suggests that 66% of millennials plan to start their own business.  That's quite a large amount, but as I mentioned previously, entrepreneurship has changed.

Examples of small businesses include:

  • Fitness/Personal Training (online and in person)

  • Sales (T-shirts, Products, Amazon, eBay)

  • Carpentry

  • Independent Guides

  • Independent Travel Agents

Opportunity is truly what you make of it.  With the development of the internet, the opportunity is everywhere, it just takes research, dedication, and ambition.  If working for yourself is a dream, then begin researching some of the opportunities above and set your eyes on being independent in the workforce!

Make sure to check out the following:

DO ANY OF YOU WORK YOUR OWN SCHEDULE? Let me know in the comments below!


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