When it comes to productivity, the morning is everything. Not only does it allow your brain to work at it’s maximum capacity, but it also gives you a strong sense of self-discipline, accomplishment, and the ability to enjoy your evening after work. When you are trying to manage all aspects of life, there is no better way to make the most of your time than to utilize the morning.

Whether you need the mornings to prepare for the day, hit the gym, go for a run, meditate, or to hammer your to do list, these 5 tips will help you become a morning person in no time at all.

Oh, and did I mention those sunrises?  More breathtaking than a sunset.

Why Your Day Should Revolve Around Daylight

From personal experience, I can tell you that my best days happen because I get up early, with purpose, and discipline. However, there is a lot to be said about the scientific evidence in support of early mornings as well.

In fact, research done at Harvard suggest those whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success, because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening.

There was a study from Australia that found of the 2,200 Australian teens, night owls were 1.5 times more likely to become obese.

In fact, this article from Inspiring Leadership Now has an entire collection of research suggesting why becoming a morning person can be a huge advantage in terms of success.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, then consider our biological function. There is a reason we tend to sleep at night, it’s because we have evolved to be daylight creature. This is also evident in the fact that we can see in the daylight (as opposed to some species that can see at night). Simply put, the way our body responds to light levels can influence our health. 

Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the mornings, be more productive, and improve your lifestyle, this is the perfect post for you.

Below are 5 tips to help you on your way to conquering the morning!


The first tip deals with your alarm clock. Whether it’s an actual clock or a phone, you can manipulate where it is in regards to your sleep.

I recommend moving it far enough from your bed that you are forced to walk to shut it off. If I leave the alarm next to the bed, it is almost a guarantee that I will hit the snooze button (it’s too convenient not to).  When you distance yourself from your clock, you allow yourself time to become awake, put yourself multiple steps closer to that cup of coffee, and can’t contemplate going back to bed. There might be 60 seconds of pure shock as you rise out of bed, but I promise after you turn off that clock, you won't regret it. 


There is plenty of research in support of coffee as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, don’t be afraid to use it. Caffeine is a perfect way to prepare for the morning, get in the right headspace and kickstart your energy levels for a productive day.

It can also be used as positive feedback for your actions. That cup of coffee can help reward you for getting up early. It then helps develop a habit that can become a complete lifestyle change.

Not into coffee? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other alternatives.

If you are into working out, then often times pre-workout is the perfect answer. Wake up, grab your pre-workout, and hit the gym before your mind has time to contemplate it.

If you aren’t a gym goer or don’t consume pre-workout, then you can always try tea. As long as it gives you energy, satisfaction, and is something you will want to do consistently, it will help you develop a more productive morning routine.


This is the most important part of the entire process: have a reason. Motive is everything.

What do you want to do with that extra time in the morning? Determine what you want to do with that plan and make note of it the night before. Things you can do if you get up earlier include:

  • Fitting in a workout

  • Meditating

  • Working on that side hustle

  • Reading

  • Writing (or starting a blog!)

  • Getting ahead on your To-Do list

  • Getting to work earlier

Once you decide what your “why” is, you need to start making a plan.

  • Wanting to make it to the gym? Set everything out, pack your gear, have all of your clothes ready.

  • Looking to get more done? Layout your to-do list and time blocks the night before

  • Want to start a blog? Have a plan the minute you get up on what you want to focus on.

Having motivation, and laying out your day the night before, will make you both excited and productive with regards to the morning ahead.



In most cases, getting to bed earlier, means getting up earlier tends to be easier. That’s why it’s important to be honest with yourself on how much sleep you need. Once you determine how much sleep you need (science shows most people do need between 7-8 hours) then do your best to be consistent with it. Small changes create new habits, and by simply sticking with the same sleep schedule weeks on end, you create consistency, which creates the habit. Once it’s a habit, it becomes easy.

If you struggle with going to bed early, I highly recommend you plan for time to read and unwind before you go to bed. Put the phone and tablets aside, dim the light, and allow yourself ample of time to wind down. Research shows that even a cool shower before will drop your body temperature helping relax and put you to sleep.

Once you find the formula that works for you, stick to it.



It won’t be the first time you have had to force yourself to do something you didn’t feel like doing, and it won’t be the last.  Habits take time, and the more frequently you practice getting up the easier it will become. 

However, there are some tools that can help you along the way. Apps I recommend include:

  • Sleep Cycle: This awesome app helps you wake during the lightest phase of your sleep cycle, helping prevent a groggy morning.

  • Alarmy: The best app to get you moving! This app won't shut off unless you take a picture of something in your house. If you really need an extra push, this might be the app for you.

  • Morning Routine: For those who love block scheduling (read about it here) and priorities, then this app is perfect for you. It has a list of tasks ready for you to do as soon as you wake up. Therefore, it helps keep you accountable.

  • I Can't Wake Up: This app is a lot like Alarmy, except it requires you to perform mental tasks before it will go off. Perfect for those who NEED to get the brain ready for the day.

  • Step Out of Bed!: This awesome app utilizes your phone tracking technology to make sure you get up. It won't go off until you've done a set number of steps (like how many it takes to get to your coffee maker!)

Try your best to say on schedule, this means staying on schedule even on the weekends. If you do it consistently enough, it becomes a habit. Habits improve lives.


Being productive in the morning is WORTH IT.  Getting that workout in before the sunrise means you are less likely to skip it.  The more you get done in the morning means the less you have to do at night. It helps create balance in your life, become more productive, and help you create overall healthier habits.

Being a morning person IS possible, it just takes time.


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